InformaciónModalidad: online Duración: 90 horas Precio: 350 € Plataforma online acceso 24 h Para poder comenzar el curso es necesario realizar una transferencia bancaria a la cuenta ES46 2100 1373 39 0200009924 a nombre de Escola de Gestió Empresarial con el importe correspondiente y enviar comprobante a |
Objetivos del curso Inglés profesional para turismo (online)
Durante este curso el alumno adquirirá las habilidades lingüísticas y el vocabulario necesarios para comprender con éxito mensajes orales y escritos de complejidad intermedia en inglés.
Este curso brinda oportunidades para que el alumno responda profesionalmente al lenguaje utilizado en situaciones familiares por parte de los huéspedes, clientes y proveedores del servicio turístico, atendiendo satisfactoriamente las necesidades que estos tengan.
Plataforma elearning con contenidos interactivos y multimedia disponibles en castellano, con el material necesario y múltiples actividades y ejercicios.
Este curso online no dispone de tutor y no es bonificable por la Fundación Estatal para la formación en el empleo.
Los alumnos que completen la totalidad del curso con aprovechamiento recibirán un certificado acreditativo.
Programa del curso Inglés profesional para turismo (online)
Commercial and administrative management of tourist services in English (Part 1)
Guests and tourists I
Guests and tourists II
Receptionists & hotel workers I
Receptionists & hotel workers II
Dialogue questions
Typical situation
Further dialogue questions
Hotel services I
Hotel services II
Customer service and satisfaction I
Customer service and satisfaction II
Dialogue questions
Typical situation
Further dialogue questions
Typical situation: checking into a hotel
The hotel. You've got mail
Typical situation: organising a convention
Presentation of tourist information in english (part 2)
Negotiating contracts for online provision I
Negotiating contracts for online provision II
Giving information to tourists about environmental practice & legislation I
Giving information to tourists about environmental practice & legislation II
Dialogue questions
Formal writing practice. Arranging a meeting
Further dialogue questions
Formal writing practice. Agreeing contract details
Everyday communication in a tourist establishment
Service experience at the highland parks hotel
Dealing with an accident & insurance claim I
Dealing with an accident & insurance claim II
Dialogue questions
Further dialogue questions
Food & beverage suppliers
Problems with delivery suppliers
Dialogues questions
Typical situation: travel agency
Tourism. You’ve got mail
Channel dexway
Tourist customer service in english (part 3)
Vocabulary for a tourist I
Vocabulary for a tourist II
Crew members and security I
Crew members and security II
Departures, arrivals & useful terms I
Departures, arrivals & useful terms II
Nautical terminology I
Nautical terminology II
Typical situation: information desk
Booking a railway ticket for advance travel from an agency
An agency with a problem and reporting lost property to a station guard
Dialogue questions
Train transport. You’ve got mail
Channel dexway